© A Prior.


Hillar Liitoja

In a vast space, actors and audience wander, uncertain. Where is the play?


A11 around you. The actors wander about, you follow them and catch what they say, a text spoken very quietly. It’sShakespearets Hamlet, interpreted by Hillar Lutola. A day in the life of Hamlet and his family and friends. It is theatre without barriers, without a stage, without a centre. And without grandiloquence. A theatre of fate. For if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, you just may hear Hamlet whisper as he crouches near a door, “To be or not to be, that is the question”.


DNA Theatre By Sbakespeure and Hillar Liitoja Conceived and directed by Hillar Liitoja In collaboration with Espace Libre