Comédie russe

Serge Denoncourt (Montréal)

Comédie russe

Le Théâtre de l’Opsis has gained wide recognition with its intelligent, powerful, and audacious approach to theatre..

Contes d’enfants réels

Suzanne Lebeau (Québec)

Contes d’enfants réels

Since banding together, the Carrousel Theatre has taken its unique style to festivals throughout Europe and South America.


Robert Lepage (Québec)


Often referred to as the first modern hero, Coriolanus suffers from a chronic inability to communicate with his people. It is the painful symbol of a timeless political reality. Michel Garneau is the perfect contrast: his adaptation into “international” Québécois is given sweet voice by a gracious and articulate cast.

La tempête

Robert Lepage (Québec)

La tempête

As the curtain falls on this bewitching play, the audience is left wondering who the greater magician is: Prospero or Lepage. Set design, costumes, even seemingly banal objects are brought to life with acts of theatrical sorcery. Poet Michel Garneau transforms the energy, rhythm and poetry of the original play into “classical” Québécois, and nothing could be more natural.

Les trois soeurs

Youri Pogrebnichko (Moscou)

Les trois soeurs

With a seemingly innate understanding of Checkov’s caustic, sometimes cruel humor, the Krasnaja Presnja Theater of Moscow brings us this classic exploration of aristocratic sensibilities during the collapse of Russia’s czarist society in the late 1800’s.


Robert Lepage (Québec)


Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre never saw the likes of this. In Macbeth, Michel Garneau employs a harsh, sensual French similar to that spoken in Quebec during the 17th century. Scenic allusions to Japanese epic fantasies create a strangely appropriate framework for Lord Macbeth as animal passion and hubris drive him toward his dusty death.


Mauricio Celedon (Chili)


In homage to Arthur Rimbaud, El Teatro del Silencio presents a play without text. And nothing could be more eloquent. With every breath, every movement, the actors/dancers express the gaiety and profound sorrow that marked Rimbaud’s tortured life.

Popol Vuh

Andres Perez Araya (Santiago)

Popol Vuh

After numerous futile attempts, first in clay, then in wood, a human being capable of giving thanks to the almighty creator is finally fashioned from corn.

Roberto Zucco

Denis Marleau (Montréal)

Roberto Zucco

Roberto Zucco is a compassionate, real-life story of a killer lacking all compassion… a journey along the road of violence that intersects modern life.

Titus Andronicus

Sylviu Purcarete (Craiova)

Titus Andronicus

“If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul”- searing words from Shakespeare’s furnace-burning tragedy, flawlessly interpreted in Romanian by the cast of the Craiova National Theater.