An FTA Playgrounds Series, FTA 2022
Saturday, May 28
The FTA 2022 involves various rivers, a dam, belugas, and an aquarium… no coincidence, since the Festival happens to be located on an island! Water Day will interrogate our relationship to water as an essential resource, an ecosystem, a living space—and also as a dynamic entity.
To whom do rivers belong? What is the language of waterways? Who is entitled to potable water? How will we cope with rising sea levels and the drying up of rivers? Scientists, artists, and activists are brought together by these questions.
Presented by
A Conversation with Lars Jan
Lars Jan will share his environmental concerns and discuss the new knowledge that has enhanced his work.
The St. Lawrence: Protecting its Lives
This event brings together artists, activists, and academics to discuss protecting the St. Lawrence River and its ecosystems.
As long as the River flows: River stories from a Kanien’kehá:ka perspective
Multidisciplinary artist Lindsay Katsitsakatste Delaronde mediates a conversation with members of her Kanien’kehá:ka community on the impacts of the St. Lawrence Seaway.