Fundraising Campaign 2024-2025

Donating to FTA means saying “YES” to daring ideas and fantastic adventures in the performing arts. Contributing with a donation, whether large or small, supports those who nurture our imaginations. With your help, we can offer both emerging and established artists the space, resources, and visibility that their works deserve.

Together, let’s cultivate the power of art.

Donate right away

Support FTA by making a one-off donation: at a time and with an amount of your choice.

Donate all the time

Become a loyal FTA supporter by making a monthly donation: a lasting philanthropic impact tailored to your means.

Donate with bravado

Make your first major donation to the arts* and join the ranks of our most committed supporters.

* The government of Quebec encourages individuals to support culture by offering an additional 25% tax credit for their fi rst major cultural donation.

Donate for the future

Pass on your love for the arts through a planned gift and provide long-term support for a cause close to your heart.

Make a donation NOW

Recognition Program


Accomplices – $20 or more

+ Acknowledgement on the website, in the festival’s official program, and in the annual activity report

+ A tax receipt issued in your name for the amount of your donation

Friends – $100 or more (or $8/month)

+ All the benefits of the previous category

+ Invitation to program launch event (spring)

Allies – $300 or more (or $25/month)

+ All the benefits of the previous category

+ Invitation to the donors’ cocktail (fall)

+ Access to an exclusive pre-sale of show tickets

Patrons – $600 or more (or $50/month)

+ All the benefits of the previous categories

+ Two invitations to our cocktail reception on opening night

Ambassadors – $1,000 or more (or $85/month)

+ All the benefits of the previous categories

+ Priority when changing tickets during the Festival


Tax Benefits

Festival TransAmériques is a recognized charitable organization (#10178 7554 RR0001). For each donation of $20 or more, you will therefore receive an official receipt enabling you to take advantage of tax benefits that may cover up to 40% of your donation’s value.

To estimate the tax credit to which you are entitled, you may use the Canada Revenue Agency’s charitable donation tax credit calculator.


Artists testimonies

“I feel privileged to be among the innovative and disturbing creators programmed at the FTA. I’m one of you, I’m with you all.”

Louise Lecavalier, choreographer


“FTA is a unique opportunity to go further, to push back the boundaries and transform the experience of art into trance, movement and agency. It’s a profound experience of self-transcendence that, through the trickle of ideas, impacts our entire society.”

Christian Lapointe, director


“FTA’s support has instilled in me a substantial dose of courage. I’ve always seen the Festival as a place where I needed to dare, to risk, to commit myself, to dream bigger…”

Catherine Gaudet, choreographer


“Being programmed at FTA means building a strong creative identity. Their support allows creators to trust themselves. It’s where bold ideas are solicited. There is definitely, for me at least, a before and after FTA.”

Lyndz Dantiste, actor and director


Together, let’s cultivate the power of art.


For more information…

Please contact our philanthropy team:

Aya Mcheimeche (She/Her)
Philanthropy and Partnerships Coordinator
514 842 0704 + 32
[email protected]

Ariane Poitras (She/Her)
Philanthropy and Partnerships Assistant
514 842 0704 + 23
[email protected]