
Expanding Horizons

Spring is around the corner, and with it the 16th edition of Festival TransAmériques, reconnecting local audiences with performing arts from around the world and showcasing new work by artists from Quebec and Canada.

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Under the leadership of FTA’s new joint artistic directors, this year’s programme has been developed through encounters, new alliances, and heartfelt invitations. A word from Martine Dennewald, Jessie Mill and David Lavoie for the Festival’s 16th edition.

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The FTA Announces 5 Shows

It is with delight and confidence that the joint artistic directors of Festival TransAmériques, Martine Dennewald and Jessie Mill unveiled five shows that will be part of the FTA’s 16th edition from May 25 to June 12, 2022.

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Respirations are back in 2021

Following the success of FTA Respirations, launched in the fall of 2020, Festival TransAmériques reasserts a determination to foster artistic creation and encourage experimentation.

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Artistic Directors’ editorial

Editorial by Martine Dennewald and Jessie Mill, September 2021

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