Like an orchestra conductor, Martin Messier directs a « live transmission » performance in the Quartier des spectacles, manoeuvring 60 dancers in a huge doomsday ballet.
In the heart of the Quartier des spectacles a spirited squad is on tenterhooks. Like an orchestra conductor, Martin Messier directs « live » 60 professional dancers in a vast doomsday ballet. In spasms and waves, the massed group pulsates like a single body, coiling inward and then fanning outward, charging forward and then hunkering down. An outdoor contemporary dance
Shining brightly in this cosmos studded with light and stone is a decidedly contemporary aesthetic, the shimmering movement of creatures in sombre costumes, sometimes masked. Directions for the shape and energy of the dance score are transmitted to the performers by means of a wireless communication system. Whispering into their ears, Martin Messier pilots a human machine that responds magnificently to his instructions. Like a living sculpture in full metamorphosis, anonymous bodies are no longer quite the same, yet not fully something else. A dance that is both primitive and futuristic.
Produced by 14 lieux
Directed and choreographed by Martin Messier
Performed by Audrey Bergeron + Élise Bergeron + Marc Boivin + Charles Brécard + Sophie Breton + Ja James Britton Johnson + Marie-Ève Carrière + Miranda Chan + Matéo Chauchat + Jimmy Chung + Émilie Demers + Kimberley de Jong + Marie-Ève Demers + Amber Downie-Back + Mark Durand + Bailey Eng + Bradley Eng + Karen Fennell + Stéphanie Fromentin + Elinor Fueter + Gina Grant + Susannah Haight + Sara Hanley + Valmont Harnois + Rachel Harris + Karina Iraola + Audray Julien + Audrée Juteau + Camille Lacelle-Wilsey + Catherine Lafleur + Patrick Lamothe + Brianna Lombardo + Chi Long + Maria Mantia Papathanasiou + Lucy May + Robert Meilleur + Julien Mercille + Émilie Morin + Camille Mougenot + Gabriel Painchaud + Susan Paulson + Nickle Peace-Williams + Sébastien Provencher + Thibault Rajaofetra + Jerimy Rivera + Simon Renaud + Marine Rixhon + Geneviève Robitaille + Anne-Flore de Rochambeau + Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep + Elie-Anne Ross + Cara Roy + Olivier Rousseau + Camille Trudel-Vigeant + Silvia Sanchez + Marie-Philippe Santerre + Jessica Serli + Stefania Skoryna + Victor Sono + Melina Stinson + Zoe Vos + Paco Ziel
Music Paul Jebanasam + Martin Messier
Set and Costume Design Odile Gamache
Choreographic and Creative Advisor Caroline Laurin-Beaucage
Artistic Coorinator Ingrid Vallus
Production Manager Émilie Martel
Technical Director Olivier Chopinet + Gabriel Duquette
Sound Frédéric Auger
Equipment Design Francis Vaillancourt-Martin
Production Assistant Chloé Eker
Costume Assistant Léonie Blanchet
Technicians Arthur Champagne + Gabriel Duquette + Marie-Frédérique Gravel + Pierre-Alexandre Poirier-Guay
Photography Denis Martin
Video Robin Pineda
Development Support La Machinerie des arts
Administrative Support Sylvie Lavoie + Ingrid Vallus
Development Diane Boucher
Agent Marc Langlois
Coproduction + Codiffusion Agora de la danse
Developed with the support of Nouveau Chapitre
Creative residencies Quai 5160 + Église Ste-Arsène
Co-presented by Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles
Acknowledgement to Espace Libre + Nouveau Théâtre Expérimental + Jacques Poulin-Denis
Written by Diane Jean
Translated by Neil Kroetsch
Premiered at Festival TransAmériques, Montreal, on May 29, 2019
Project founded through

Martin Messier (Montreal)
14 lieux
Martin Messier explores the links between sound and matter by creating works that come to life as complex electro-mechanical and digital performative devices.