In the labyrinthine favelas of Rio de Janeiro, ten prodigious performers invent small miracles of dance. Emerging from a milieu that is despised or disregarded, Cria radiates with life.
In the labyrinthine favelas of Rio de Janeiro and in the dance halls that juice up its night life, small miracles of dance come into being. The choreographer Alice Ripoll latches onto these creative bursts and lovingly guides ten prodigious performers, an impassioned and close-knit group full of contagious energy. Emerging from a milieu is despised or disregarded, oppressed and massacred by the policies of the extreme right, Cria radiates with life.
Neither lightning nor gunfire, nothing impedes joy, nothing stops the dance. The virtuoso, flamboyant dancers perform passinho (short step) and dancinha (little dance), the latest offshoots of Brazilian funk. In impetuous, salacious dance akin to voguing, samba and breakdance, they skillfully blur established codes. The black bodies strutting onstage, their freight of heartbreak palpable, will move the audience – or have them burst out laughing. To each his absolute difference in a feast of fluidity of genres and mastery of styles. They are the avant-garde.
Produced by Suave
Directed by Alice Ripoll
Performed by GB Dançarino Brabo + VN Dançarino Brabo + Thamires Candida + May Eassy + Nyandra Fernandes + Romulo Galvão + Kinho JP + Andre Oliveira DB + Sanderson BDD + Ronald Sheick + Gabriel Tiobil
Assistant Director and Sound Technician Alan Ferreira
Lighting Design Andréa Capella
Costumes Raquel Theo
Musical Direction DJ Pop Andrade
Design Caick Carvalho
Management Rafael Fernandes
Produced with the support of Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro + Casa do Jongo (Rio de Janeiro) + Rafael Machado Fisioterapia
Presented by Fugues in association with Maison Théâtre
Written by Jessie Mill
Translated by Neil Kroetsch
Premiered at Espaço Cultural Municipal Sérgio Porto, Rio de Janeiro, on November 17, 2017

Alice Ripoll (Rio de Janeiro)
A native of Rio de Janeiro, Alice Ripoll initially studied psychology and intended to pursue psychoanalysis, a temporary detour that now nourishes her choreography, keenly attentive to the dancers’ slightest quivers or pulsations.