© Yves Dubé

Les nuages de terres

Daniel Meilleur + Werewere Liking

Les Nuages de terre (Earth Clouds) represents the successful dream of an encounter between Québécois and African artists. Through a love story in the vein of Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Iseult, it dares to speak of hope.


On an island as fictitious as an African winter, two adolescents passionately in love reject the customs of their ancestors. Fleurée and Gabié have time to sow the seeds of a Free Children’s City before dying in the clamour and fury of a revolution orchestrated by Collyre. This heady, angry poetic fable that Daniel Danis spins so well condemns the horror of ethnic and religious warfare and makes love triumph. The interplay of languages, voices, music and colours causes the borders of the world to crumble. Somewhere, in Unparadise, Daniel Danis would say, stirs the hope of new universal dignity.


Co-created by
Les deux mondes
Ki-Yi M’Bock Théâtre

Co-directed by
Daniel Meilleur
Werewere Liking

Written by
Daniel Danis

Coproduced with
Festival de théâtre des Amériques
Festival International des Francophonies en Limousin
Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle
Fédération des Amis du Théâtre Populaire
Espace des Arts de Chalon-sur-Saône