© Ivan Binet

Petits miracles misérables et merveilleux


Everything in this cabaret performance is homemade, recycled and put together by fairies with incredible imagination. With pieces of cardboard, fabric, feathers, leaves, plants and food, Claudie Gagnon creates surrealistic pearls that she threads together in a pleasingly festive order. Inspired by the four seasons and famous paintings, twelve tableaux vivants are presented one after the other like the pages of a calendar.


Either inadvertently or by enchantment, the unusual and the strange take over, gnawing away at the portrait, breaking down the composition to the delight of the audience. As incommodious as Bacchus on a binge, two musicians improvise to the action taking place. But that’s not all. Claudie Gagnon is the perfect hostess, surrounded by waiters, doormen and an assistant quite familiar with Madame’s preferences for receiving guests. Indeed, her guests have no desire to leave.
