danses vagabondes
A grey screen turns white, and there it begins: a dancer appears, her body taut, impelled by feverish momentum. In an opening ritual, equal parts super-charged mantra and breakneck incantation, Louise Lecavalier bursts into motion, inspired by the wisdom of those who have always resisted idleness and inertia.
In this brand new show, Lecavalier—all radiant intensity and mesmerizing rhythms—dons the many faces and stories of the vagabond, driven by an irrepressible desire for freedom, obeying no authority or rules other than his or her own. This spirit of defiance is transformed, through Lecavalier’s ever-shifting dance, into a luminous force whose rays are transmitted to us, carrying both light and shadows. The effect is hypnotic. Something larger than life is activated between the performer and her audience, forging unexpected links between our inner wanderings.
About the artist

Louise Lecavalier (Montreal) Fou Glorieux
Louise Lecavalier is an unsurpassed force of nature. Since making her debut as a dancer, she has been described as a performer of incomparable virtuosity: she “shines brightest,” she is a “star,” she is “timeless.”
Media Coverage
“An ecstatic performance. […] What Louise Lecavalier offered was much more than a performance—it was a kaleidoscope of movement, sometimes staccato-like with small quick steps, sometimes expansive, and then again fluid, with elements of voguing.”
Claudi Hötzendorfer, Rheinische Post (Germany)
“…Once again, she is an unstoppable powerhouse. […] She strings together countless ideas and movement patterns, seemingly spontaneously, just for the sake of expression. It goes on and on. […] Lecavalier has always been like this. The wild one, the impetuous one, unstoppable. And that is what everyone loves so much about her.”
Rico Stehfest, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten (Germany)
“Her signature is all over what’s on display here. It’s a signature that fills venues and dazzles her fans. It is made up of her incredible presence, her lightness, her abrupt yet effortlessly fluid movements, […] At the end, the audience is silent, back in the darkness for several minutes, blown away by her intensity and energy. It takes a while to surface from the intoxicating state of awe and enter back into reality.”
Westdeutsche Zeitung (Germany), about Stations
“Speed is not a trick or an extra. It’s not even a choice: it’s a beat, a breath, my rhythm. It’s like music jostling and rushing inside me. By heightening each second, I feel that I’m stretching out time. Speed perhaps saves me from boredom; it distances me from comfort, nonchalance, and posturing.”