An FTA Playgrounds Series, FTA 2024

All Workshops for Artists and Professional Encounters part of FTA 2024.


Presented by


FTA Playground

Rébecca Chaillon – Performing the Personal

Rébecca (Montreuil + Creil)

Rébecca Chaillon – Performing the Personal

Known for her shocking imagery and powerful theatrical language, director, actor, and performer Rébecca Chaillon will approach this writing and performance workshop through physical materials, the body, visual arts, and food.

FTA Playground

FTA Clinics: The Book

FTA Clinics: The Book

Featuring readings of excerpts from the Curieux manuel, this festive event is an invitation to celebrate the vibrant world of artistic practices and methods.

FTA Playground

Decolonization Rider

Emily (Lenapehoking/New York)
Mylène (Tio’tià:ke/Mooniyang)
Léuli (Montreal)

Decolonization Rider

Surrounded by local allies, Yup’ik artist Emily Johnson shares her “Decolonization Rider”—a visionary tool for artists, cultural workers and institutions alike, and a genuine commitment to a more equitable, justice-oriented world.

FTA Playground

Ecoconscience in the Performing Arts

Marianne (Montreal)

Ecoconscience in the Performing Arts

FTA and Écoscéno bring together the performing arts community around one question: how can we create an eco-conscious work of art that combines artistic, technical and production expertise?

FTA Playground

Technical Directors in the Spotlight

Anne-Sara (Montreal)
Claudie (Montreal)
Audrey (Montreal)
Rébecca (Montreal)
Alex (Montreal)

Technical Directors in the Spotlight

Without a technical director, don’t even try it!” Now, TDs, the stage is yours!