Audience, Get Warmed Up!
Apparently, moving your body before the show will make you more receptive to seeing it, so an hour before the performance, artists will lead a physical warm-up.
Apparently, moving your body before the show will make you more receptive to seeing it, so an hour before the performance, artists will lead a physical warm-up. Explore the practice of a choreographer or director, or take part in a dancer’s routine.
With the support of Consulat général de France à Québec
May 31
L’homme rare at the Théâtre Rouge du Conservatoire
June 5
Traces – Discours aux Nations Africaines at the Maison théâtre
June 9
Laboratoire poison at the Théâtre Jean-Duceppe

Nadia Beugré (L'homme rare)
Guest artist
A native of Abidjan, Nadia Beugré was for many years a dancer in the Ivorian company Tché-Tché (which performed in Montreal at FIND in 1999) with Béatrice Kombé, who played an important role in her personal development.

Étienne Minoungou (Traces - Discours aux Nations Africaines)
Guest artist
Originally from Burkina Faso, the actor, director and artistic director Étienne Minoungou studied sociology and theatre before founding the Récréâtrales in Ouagadougou in 2002, a pan-African space for writing, creation, research and theatrical dissemination.

Adeline Rosenstein (Laboratoire poison)
Guest artist
In opposition to unequivocal, homogenous discourse, Adeline Rosenstein creates works of documentary theatre that refuse to soften the harshness of verbatim accounts. Her involvement in her neighbourhood’s community associations and her militant activism against the discrimination toward immigrant families in Belgium’s francophone school system reflect her grounding in urgent issues of the present—a present that has inevitably been shaped by History, whose representations she questions.