Multidisciplinary artist Claudia Chan Tak discovers the mysteries of Pluton and its intergenerational choreographic encounters in an exhibit resembling an expedition.
Ali Baba’s (Cosmic) Cave
A sensitive, roving satellite, the multidisciplinary artist Claudia Chan Tak, alias Hydra, probes the mysterious universe of Pluto in Pluton, with Acte 2 of the piece now presented at the FTA. The company La 2e Porte à Gauche gave her carte blanche and unlimited access to creative assistance. She portrays the highlights and delights of that experience in an exhibit that echoes a captivating expedition.
Seven suspended spheres occupy the centre of the gallery, 3D polaroids of dance ecosystems generated by intergenerational encounters. A few degrees away, a galaxy shimmers with the sparkle of photo fragments. Black holes become screens. Artists are introduced with impressionistic portraits. Chan Tak followed her instincts when filming them in the studio, and during meetings and onstage. Her subjective gaze is nourished by their work, and is also expressed in eye-catching graphics and cabinets of curiosities full of sketches, personal notes and artifacts. A real gold mine.
Created by Claudia Chan Tak
Produced and curated by La 2e Porte à Gauche
Featuring Louise Bédard + Marc Boivin + Michèle Febvre + Paul-André Fortier + Peter James + Ginette Laurin + Linda Rabin + Daniel Soulières
Choreographers Virginie Brunelle + Nicolas Cantin + Mélanie Demers + Catherine Gaudet + Frédérick Gravel + Jean-Sébastien Lourdais + Katie Ward
Collaborators Marie Béland + Rachel Billet + Vanessa Bousquet + Ginelle Chagnon + Chi Long + Katya Montaignac + Caroline Nadeau
Creative assistant Isabelle Quach
Sound design Tomas Furey
Exhibit in association with Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault + École de danse contemporaine de Montréal + Circuit-Est Centre chorégraphique
Premiered at FTA, Montreal, May 25, 2016

Claudia Chan Tak (Montreal)
After studying cynbernetic arts, interdisciplinary media and dance, Claudia Chan Tak plunged into the Quebec dance scene on several fronts.