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© Kinga Michalska


Clara Furey

In an echoing garden, bodies vibrate to the rhythm of luminous sound waves. Urgent desires are triggered by their peculiar forms. In UNARMOURED, Clara Furey and her collaborators reclaim their right to eroticism on their own terms, the body as a site of cosmic allegiance, sensual and liberated. Joy is pursued without shame.

In a dance both physical and existential, Furey—a choreographer of immense talent blessed with a keen musical ear—constructs a polyphonic architecture of pleasure. Through physical exploration revolving around the properties of water, she fills the stage with the immensity of an inner sea that embraces and gathers what was previously sundered. Emerging from fluid, carnal chaos, UNARMOURED unfolds in waves that evoke the transformative emotional power of the infinite.

General info

About the artist

© Guillaume Simoneau

Clara Furey (Montreal) Bent Hollow Compagnie

Earning international recognition since starting out first as an actor and now as a choreographer, Clara Furey has demonstrated a gift for minimalist performances and intimate installations.

Full biography

Media Coverage

“Furey [has a] gift for creating intimate, minimalist, kinetic landscapes.”

Didier Morelli, Vancouver Ballet Society, 11-04-2022, about Dog Rising

« Furey induit un état de contemplation méditative chez le spectateur. »

Iris Gagnon-Paradis, La Presse+, 28-05-2019, about Rather a Ditch

« Clara Furey ne peut être classée dans une seule catégorie ou discipline : il est superficiel de la qualifier de chorégraphe ou d’interprète. […] Elle est proche du flux naturel de la vie : un regard créatif méditatif, cyclique, et plein d’énergie. »

Ugnė Kačkauskaitė, (Lituania), 22-04-2022, about Dog Rising

« La chorégraphe et interprète travaille vélocité des corps et circulation de l’énergie, ouvrant le chemin vers le plaisir. »

Iris Gagnon-Paradis, La Presse+, 22-05-2021, about Dog Rising

« Furey nous fait découvrir des chemins et des énergies inconnues de nos sens, une interconnexion entre tout ce qui existe et qu’on n’apercevait pas. »

Ariana Pirela Sánchez, Nevros’Arts, 09-12-2017, about Cosmic Love


“I would say that UNARMOURED is a work about how to live and feel our relationship to eroticism starting from the exploration of our cosmic corporeality. Together, we wonder how this relationship has been shaped by what we have experienced and imagined, from childhood to adulthood.”

Read the interview