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© Kamissa Ma Koïta

Survival Technologies

Kamissa Ma Koïta + Elena Stoodley +

Borrowing from the art of the griot and palaver circles, multidisciplinary artists Kamissa Ma Koïta and Elena Stoodley stage a performative assembly that rallies the power of an entire village. Concerned by artificial intelligence and its impacts, they turn to ancestral technologies with a radically joyful approach. In the centre of the circle, a battle unfolds between the machine, symbol of western progress, and dance—the ultimate tool of resistance and emancipation.

This latest work from the multidisciplinary group PME-ART provides a platform for powerful voices. Koïta and Stoodley, Quebec artists of Malian and Haitian background respectively, have both experienced uprooting, but they also share a profound, jubilant connection to traditional dances transmitting ancestral knowledge. Through a stream of images and songs in Bambara, Creole and French, Survival Technologies issues an appeal to end violence and let joy reign.

General info

About the artists

© Claudel Desir

Kamissa Ma Koïta (Montreal)

Kamissa Ma Koïta’s practice incorporates performing the Indigenous West African knowledge of her ancestors; through her performative re-enactments, she seeks to tap into a redemptive power.

Full biography
© Noire Mouliom

Elena Stoodley (Montreal)

Elena Stoodley is a multidisciplinary artist whose work includes singing, sound art, and writing. She has performed her music for international audiences, notably in Cameroon and the Congo.

Full biography
© Genevieve Perrault

PME-ART (Montreal)

By handing over the reins, PME-ART is pursuing its mission of creating hybrid artistic objects that always allow people to express themselves in a genuine and unique way.

Full biography

Media Coverage

“PME-ART’s shows have never shied away from uncomfortable, awkward or difficult subjects. The group aims to challenge the public’s individual values by including unscripted onstage dialogues between performers and participatory exchanges between performers and audiences. […] PME-ART continues to question how they can move forward through their collaborative work and keep up with the shift in social justice.”

Diane Yeung,, 15-06-2021

“Elena Stoodley is a Montreal-based, multidisciplinary artist most known for her sultry, jazz and rhythm and blues infused vocals and sound art performances.”

Rosalind Hampton,, 29-06-2015

« La démarche de PME-ART est hautement collaborative, effrontément fragmentaire, joyeusement anticonformiste et souverainement interdisciplinaire. Elle s’appuie sur ce qu’il serait tentant d’appeler un art des possibles. En ce sens que leur mélange de théâtre, de danse, de musique, de performance et d’arts visuels découle d’un besoin d’explorer et d’inventer, mais surtout d’un désir de faire autrement, de contredire, en somme de repousser les limites… du possible. »

Christian Saint-Pierre, Le Devoir, 23-04-2019

« Tantôt par la performance, tantôt par l’image ou la poésie, l’artiste montréalaise Kamissa Ma Koïta décortique les relations intersubjectives qui constituent le corps social. […] L’ensemble de son travail fait foi de sa méthode sensible et de son approche résolument activiste. »

Félix Chartré-Lefebvre,, 13-07-2019

« Les spectacles de la compagnie PME-ART, c’est comme les oeufs Kinder Surprise: on ne sait pas ce qu’on va trouver à l’intérieur, mais on sait qu’on va devoir participer pour donner forme à la surprise. »

Aurélie Olivier, Voir, 27-11-2008


“Dance heals, so why deprive myself of its medicine? In dancing, I give myself the right to imagine the most fabulous future possible by reminding myself of who I am and of my ancestors’ dreams and joys. We want to put those joys into practice now and maintain them for future generations.”

Read the interview